Elect Cervantes for Humboldt County Clerk

Letter to the Editor – Times Standard

August 28, 2022

Elect Juan Pablo Cervantes Humboldt County Clerk/Recorder and Registrar of Voters. He is likable, local and professional. I invite you to visit voteforjuanpablo.com to see some of his qualifications and endorsements.

If you are unsure, please consider that Tiffany Nielsen, the other candidate, dodged one very important question during the primary election. She provided no answer to news surveys at North Coast Journal and Lost Coast Outpost when they asked who won the 2020 presidential election. She answered other questions over a number of weeks, so it got me wondering, were these omissions accidental or intentional? Is she a so-called election denier who believes Trump won, or trying to appeal to voters of that belief, or was there some other explanation?

So, on July 6th I wrote her a note and asked. By then we were six hearings into the January 6th Commission and a year and a half past Congress certifying the election. Her answer to me was “Joe Biden”. Then she stated she had not answered the survey questions publicly, during the primary election when it would matter to voters, because she considered the questions to be “leading” and her answers “factual,” neither of which seemed true to me. Please watch the mail for your ballot and cast your vote for Juan Pablo Cervantes. It’s about transparent, professional, non-partisan elections management.

— Greg Conners, Loleta

Visit the Source

The Greater Eureka Chamber of Commerce held a write-in forum, asking the candidates about how they will manage the office for the benefit of local business. View what all of the candidates had to say in the Chamber newsletter (link), or download my response, or Tiffany Hunt Nielsen’s, below:.

During the Primary Election period, the North Coast Journal put questions to each of the candidates. The responses, published on May 19, 2022, are linked below.

KEET-TV and the League of Women Voters held a televised candidate forum on October 12, 2022, featuring candidates for the Clerk-Recorder & Registrar. Stream the forum below:
